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Hi, and welcome to Clear Nutrition! My name is Aaron and I have set up this company to help people like you achieve better health and performance through nutrition. The world we all live in now can be very fast-paced and often leaves us with little time to take proper care of our body and mind, which can lead to us feeling tired, down, ill, and not our usual selves. Luckily, nutrition can be a simple and effective way to manage and prevent these things, allowing us to feel fit and healthy again. 

Not only does Clear Nutrition help with people’s overall health, we also help athletes and fitness enthusiasts achieve optimal performance while ensuring adequate fuelling and recovery through evidence-based performance nutrition. Whether you are an athlete with good knowledge of nutrition that needs help putting it into practice, or someone who simply enjoys recreational exercise, we can help you achieve your goals. 

I am a registered associate nutritionist (AfN) while also being on the Sports and Exercise Nutrition register (SENR). I have an undergraduate degree in Nutrition and a postgraduate degree in
Physiology and Nutrition of Sport and Exercise. I’m excited to dedicate my life to helping people improve their quality of life and reach their goals through nutrition and I hope you can be a part of
that journey!

Qualifications & Certifications
• Registered Associate Nutritionist (AfN)
• Sport & Exercise Nutritionist (SENR)
• BSc Nutrition – University of Nottingham
• MSc Physiology and Nutrition of Sport and Exercise – University of Loughborough
• UKAD clean sports
• ISAK level 1